A critical tree situation was recently resolved at the Pleasant Hill Cemetery.  Two trees which bordered the cemetery property next to Old Kanuga Road were dying and at risk of falling.  They posed a dangerous threat to drivers and the power lines on Old Kanuga Road.  If they had fallen on the cemetery, they would have caused extensive damage to monuments and burial sites.  The North Carolina Department of Transportation had no responsibility for the trees since they were located on our property.  Duke Power was contacted, and they agreed that the trees were a threat to the power lines.  Therefore, they cut the trees.  Duke Power would not remove the extensive amount of wood from the cut trees.  A big thank you to Bob Justus, Board member, for contacting Mud Creek Baptist Church and working with their wood cutting ministry to cut and remove the debris.  A big thank you to the ministry for the incredible job of cleaning up the debris and for saving the Association thousands of dollars!